Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee's purpose is to support and promote safety and security in all district facilities. According to Texas Education Code Sec 37.109, each school district shall establish a school safety and security committee. In addition to providing input to general safety and security concerns, the committee is responsible for reviewing dsitrict emergency plans and safety and security audits.
Safety & Security

Welcome to Safety & Security
A Safe Learning Environment is the top priority for Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City Independent School District. In collaboration with Schertz and Cibolo Police Departments, we strive to ensure the safety and security of all SCUC students and staff.
Safe Learning Environment
Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD is committed to providing a safe learning environment for all students, staff, school visitors and community members. To maximize safety, the district uses a threat assessment process to identify threats and prevent targeted school violence. This process is part of the prevention and mitigation phases of the district’s Emergency Operations Plan. SCUC ISD wishes to create a climate that encourages sharing any information about a safety concern with a trusted adult who can help. Sharing information about threats and safety concerns is everyone’s responsibility: students, parents/guardians, staff, and community members. The question-and-answer section below is designed to help students, parents/guardians, and staff understand when school officials want individuals to share information about a safety concern.
Safety & Security Committee

Committee Purpose
Visitors/Volunteers/Chaperone Process

Recognizing the increasingly important role that volunteers play in education as they help to promote school/community partnership and enrich curriculum, the district encourages the use of volunteers to complement and supplement educational programs.
Per the SCUC ISD GKC and GKG Administrative Regulations. Non-employees who wish to be on campuses or participating/assisting with activities have been categorized as the following:
Visitors – Individuals who may be on campus for shorter periods of time. (Ex. Lunch with student, ARD meeting).
Chaperones - These individuals may have short periods of times where they are directly overseeing students. (Ex. Field trips, field day).
Seasonal Extracurricular Volunteers / Out of town Chaperone Applicants - Individuals who may be on campus or around students for a longer period or more frequently. This could include individuals helping with extracurricular activities, performing routine jobs on a campus, serving as a chaperone for out-of-town trips etc.
NOTE: An online application is not needed for visitors, volunteers or chaperones who are assisting on a campus during the school day with limited contact with students. These individuals are required to complete the Visitor Check-In procedure prior to being granted access to the building. Individuals working in the school shall work directly under the supervision of the principal or a campus coordinator designated by the principal of the school to which the volunteer is assigned.
Anonymous Reporting

Ryan T. Clark
Email Ryan T. Clark
Phone (210) 945-6060